Wednesday, 4 May 2011


What I found the most reassuring was the validation of information posted on Wikipedia.  I seek information from this source on a regular basis and encourage others to search on Wikipedia also, so it was great to discover that the information posted on Wikipedia has stringent verification standards.

Wikis would be a great tool in the library to post coming events, a 'What's on page'.  I believe a 'What's on Wiki page' for community groups within the library website would be fabulous also.  Local community groups could contribute and promote coming events.  As the local library website has a large number of daily hits I think it would be a great way to promote events reaching a large number of people within the community.  It would be excellent to have community members contributing to information dissemination within their own community via their local library website.

Sunday, 1 May 2011

RSS Aggregators/Feeds

Excellent format to organise information sources and a quick and easy way to arrange these sources of information I would seek weekly and sometimes daily.  The application of RSS Feeds is highly relevant in the library environment.  Any tool that saves time is invaluable in a workplace.  The ability to see at one quick glance any updated information is tremendous advantage.

The RSS feeds I have set up in the Google reader are The West Australian Newspaper, The Western Australian Bureau of Meteorology and Perth Now for excellent local 'what's on' information.  These sources of information I would access on a daily basis for important local news.  Another RSS link was the Penguin Publisher Blog as I like to keep up with recent publishing and author information.  I will set up a number of links to publishers to enable me to access updated publishing information as quickly as possible.  And of course I added the link to Unshelved as this comic strip always brings a smile, sometimes even a chuckle.